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Top 7 Freelancer Website To Make Money From!

Would you like to be a freelancer?? If yes, then this post will help you a lot. Now a days if you search any queries like “work from home” or it can be “make online money” then you can see lots of post are available on search engine. But all the websites are not 100% trustworthy. In this post I will show you top 7 best and 100% trustworthy websites for make money online. And you can get the money from various way such asskrill,directbank transferor viapaypal payment method or any other system of this website.Paypal payment method systemmainly used all over the world for transaction. Actually it depends on the country where you belong and its 100% trustworthy. So you just checkout this 7 best freelancer website below. Before the listing of freelance website, I want to tell you some greatadvantages of freelancer job: 1.Main advantages of freelancing is time. There is no specific time to work But you have to delivery your work within time. You can work 24/7 anytime whenever you want. 2.This kind of freelancing job not just like type or clicking ads like that. For this kind of job you have to use your skills just like design, development, SEO or content writing or it may be video creation etc. So love your skill, love your work and earn money from onlineand be your own boss. » » » » 1. Upwork / oDesk.com This is one of the best online marketplace called upwork(Previously oDesk). If you have skill, at least in a single category that is listed in oDesk, then you can earn money surely from this website. Before start your work you have make a freelancer profile on this website, give your skill details. Try to show some expertise’s in the profile and give some tests offered by the site. Start bidding and do your work. You can earn minimum 3-4$/hr on Upwork. For work in this website there is no registration fees required. 2. Elance.com Elanceis the sister site of the Upwork or oDesk. Elance is also high standard website for freelancer. Here you will get high paying also but you have to represent yourself professionally. The procedure is same as previous one Upwork. First you have to create profile and portfolio and start bidding. In this site there is no registration fees required. 3. Freelancer.com Freelancer.comis great site for startup. This site also offering millions of projects. Signup process is completely free on this site. Making your profile and portfolio is very easy. And many clients are waiting to hire you. On this site several sectors available so this the great for beginners to start their first project. Freelancer.com offers guaranteed contest of design, coding several sectors. Just check it post you work. But one thing very important for everyone to know is English communication because you have to talk with the clients about your project details. Here is also no registration fees needed. 4. 99Designs.com 99Designsis the another freelancer website that offer every freelancer good amount of opportunity. The prime category of this site is designing, so if you are designer then definitely this site is for you. Just make profile, check all project and if you look confident any of project then just bid that. 99Design also offers contest design. From this contest you can earn 10$ to 1000$. Payment methods are same as Freelancer.com, Elance and oDesk. You can register youself free of cost. 5. Fiverr.com Fiverr.comis a full featured of freelance job site, where you can earn money from beginning. All the mentioned site above here you do not have to bid for project. Instead of that you have to offer your task to the buyers. Here you can offer your service within $5. Whether you are a designer or content write or SEO specialist or something else you can offer your service potential buyers. Fiver will charge $1 per gig, so you will get $4 when you complete the job. For work in this website there is no registration fees needed. 6. Guru.com The next freelancing site is guru. Which do business successfully for many years in online marketplace. It is similar to the oDesk, Elance, Freelancer and 99Designes. And of curse you will never miss any payment from your buyer, since guru takes the advance money from the buyer. In order to get paid from guru , you can choose Payoneer MasterCard or Paypal. Creating profile, bidding project and submit your project that is similar to the other freelancing website. In this site there is no registration fees needed. 7. Peopleperhour.com Peopleperhouris one of the coolest online job sites that is about hourly jobs. Here buyers hire providers on an hourly basis and they pay their providers for per hour. If you are already connected with any one of the above freelancing sites, You can easily handle with this site. Payment method is also very easy on this site. If you are a beginner then this site is also a good option. For work in this website there is no registration fees needed.

Original posted by instaloaded.xtgem.com
@2016-08-26 17:55 ( 0 comments )

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